In October 2020, President Cyril Ramaphosa finally announced the long-awaited economic recovery plan. The plan outlined priority issues that will be focused on, to “rebuild and grow” South Africa’s economy that was battered and in severe recession long before the global Covid-19 pandemic, that resulted in a nationwide lockdown.
The President’s recovery plan and the Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS), which was delivered by Finance Minister Tito Mboweni – just a week after the President’s announcement, were both uninspired speeches, which yet again laid bare just how deep in trouble the country is in. South Africa is in serious trouble…
The problems faced by South Africa are mounting and the seemingly lack of urgency from those in power; the pathetic leadership; poor governance and lack of accountability are exacerbating matters.
Since the start of the Zondo commission of inquiry into allegations of state capture, we have heard many bombshell allegations of widespread corruption, and details of how current and former government officials and ANC politicians colluded with businesses to loot billions, meant for service delivery. From the Bosasa corruption, to state-owned enterprises (SOE) and the Free State province asbestos project looting, just to name a few of many, the allegations have been shocking and damning.
Over the last few weeks, South Africa has seen the arrest of some of those who were named and implicated at the state capture inquiry, including ANC MP’s (Members of Parliament); other high-ranking officials; their close associates and benefactors.
Although the arrests were welcome, there is still a lot of cautious optimism from the public, because there have still not been any convictions. And many of the so-called “big fish” arrests have not happened, if they will at all. Also, it is worth mentioning that even though some ANC members continue to be implicated in corruption, the ruling party continues to reinstate others who are still facing fraud and corruption charges. With that said, who still believes that the ANC is serious about rooting out and fighting corruption? Many of the corrupt officials are still in their positions –continuing to loot taxpayer funded state money and destroying this country.
Corruption remains one of the biggest problems faced by South Africa. The rot and corruption in local government is so widespread and emboldened, it is beyond words. The dysfunction, large scale looting and lack of accountability, have even left our outgoing Auditor-General (who says he has seen it all), shocked and baffled. The AG has found that many South African municipalities, except those in the Western Cape, continue to slide backwards. These shocking revelations from the AG, have made one wonder if we will ever get proper governance and proper systems in place countrywide… and the right people who know what they are doing?!
Also, in 2018, President Ramaphosa ‘promised’ a system of lifestyle audits for government officials, including himself. It is 2020 now, and none of that has happened. We need change!
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